It would be easy to confuse Executive Rehab with Exclusive Rehab, but the truth is, they’re nothing alike. Executive Rehab is set up for people who have high-profile executive jobs and need addiction recovery treatment. For them, going into a government service would likely be uncomfortable and perhaps even inappropriate.
These individuals need to know their jobs will still be there for them upon completing their treatment. As well, it means the company is aware (and perhaps their colleagues) of their addiction issues. This can feel embarrassing especially to individuals who are very private. Interestingly enough statistics show that Americans with a higher education and earnings are more likely to cope with addiction issues.
“Seventy-eight percent of Americans who earn $75,000 or more annually drink alcohol, while only 45% of people with an income lower than $30,000 drink. Also, 80% of college graduates drink, while 52% of those with only a high school education drink. When an individual has a lot of responsibilities at work, they may postpone getting treatment for fear of their company’s success, as well as the stigma that follows addiction. Fortunately, there are executive drug and alcohol rehab centers that provide a way for high-level professionals to get treatment while remaining connected to their livelihood.”1
These are rehabs designed for Business Executives, usually well known and publicly visible. They work with companies to keep people in place and on the road to reccovery.

Unfortunately, the stigma of addiction and rehab continues to prevail in American society. In a revealing interview, this stark statement offers insight.” CEO Richard Taite, explained, “The fear is, ‘it can’t leak it out that CEO is a drunk and that we might lose billions in stock.”
Given that these individuals have to somehow maintain at least a part-time schedule so people won’t wonder where they are, Executive Rehab is flexible enough to accommodate them. Two traits of this form of rehab are critical to the business executives:
- Access to their work email and documents
- Absolute privacy and confidential
The role of confidentiality and privacy can’t be overstated. Many managers and other executives could easily feel their jobs and even their careers are on the line should anyone learn about them going to rehab. As CEO R. Taite says above, no executive wants their colleagues to know their private challenges and struggles. According to one source, white-collar workers are three times as likely to cope with addiction.
Services & Amenities
Many of the amenities in Executive Rehab mirror those in Exclusive Rehab and for good reason. These individuals are paying a lot of money to enter treatment, and they expect the best. Some of the amenities include private dining rooms, gourmet meals, private bedrooms, online access workstations, and remote locations. However, irrespective of those luxuries, treatment remains the same including the following:
- Medical detox
- Counseling
- Coping skills for long-term sobriety (behavior modification)
- Additional options such as neurofeedback therapy
Rather than seeking in-patient treatment, many executives choose what is termed as an Intensive Outpatient Program. The key to effective treatment for executives is to maintain a minimal disruption in their personal and professional lives while still providing them with access to appropriate recovery and follow-up treatment.
Successful use of naltrexone in addicted physicians and business executives. Washton AM, Gold MS, Pottash AC.Adv Alcohol Subst Abuse. 1984 Winter;4(2):89-96. doi: 10.1300/J251v04n02_08.
Achievement And Addiction - A Guide To The Treatment Of Professionals
DF O'Connell, B Carruth, D Bevvino - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780203836552/managing-recovery-addiction-david-connell-bruce-carruth-deborah-bevvino
Executive Addict - https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/executive-addict
Burke, R.J., Fiksenbaum, L. Work Motivations, Work Outcomes, and Health: Passion Versus Addiction. J Bus Ethics 84, 257 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-008-9697-0